[Environment] Yet Another Refutation of Man-Made Global Warming
Der Spiegel, a well-respected German publication, here documents that the earth was once much warmer than today, with solid geologic proof, by looking at glaciers in the Alps.
Gee, how many SUVs were there 7,000 years ago? How many CFCs were leaking from air conditioners to deplete the ozone layer? How many smokestacks caused that 5,000 B.C. global warm-up?
Folks, the sun is a variable star. It gets brighter, and dimmer, without regard to what we do on this planet, and even minor variations can affect how our climate works.
There's no question that some of the engines which drive climate are changing; just read this report on the Gulf Stream and the implications. There's some real science being done to measure this more precisely, which is good news.
We may need to develop a planetary thermostat if we want to keep things the way they are, which means more real science, not moaning about the inevitability of global warming, and the necessity of wrecking the North American economy so China (exempt from the Kyoto requrements we'd be subject to if we bought into that farrago of lies, BTW) can continue to pillage the planet.
The most dramatic change in the landscape occurred some 7,000 years ago. At the time, the entire mountain range was practically glacier-free -- and probably not due to a lack of snow, but because the sun melted the ice. The timber line was higher then as well.
The scientists' conclusion puts the vanishing glaciers of the past 150 years into an entirely new context: "Over of the past 10,000 years, fifty percent of the time, the glaciers were smaller than today," Joerin states in an essay written together with his doctoral advisor Christian Schluechter. They call it the "Green Alps" theory.
Gee, how many SUVs were there 7,000 years ago? How many CFCs were leaking from air conditioners to deplete the ozone layer? How many smokestacks caused that 5,000 B.C. global warm-up?
Folks, the sun is a variable star. It gets brighter, and dimmer, without regard to what we do on this planet, and even minor variations can affect how our climate works.
There's no question that some of the engines which drive climate are changing; just read this report on the Gulf Stream and the implications. There's some real science being done to measure this more precisely, which is good news.
We may need to develop a planetary thermostat if we want to keep things the way they are, which means more real science, not moaning about the inevitability of global warming, and the necessity of wrecking the North American economy so China (exempt from the Kyoto requrements we'd be subject to if we bought into that farrago of lies, BTW) can continue to pillage the planet.