A+: Commands of the Recovery Console

attrib change file and folder attributes
batch run commands listed in text file
bootcfg boot file (boot.ini) configuration-recovery. Also rebuilds lost boot.ini
chdir shows current folder name or changes current folder. Use quotes around folder names which have
spaces. Also can use cd instead of chdir
chkdsk checks disk, shows status report. use /r option to repair bad sectors
cls clear screen
copy copy single file to another folder or drive. Auto-uncompresses files from Windows CD/DVD
during copying. Can't copy to removable media
delete delete a single file. Also can use del instead of delete
dir lists files and subfolders in a folder with file and folder attributes for each item
disable disable device driver or system service. Helpful if the bootlog, nbtlog.txt shows a service
or device driver keeps system from starting
diskpart manage/add/remove partition(s) on hard drive(s). Can use command line switches or interactively
enable start or enable a  device driver or system service
exit exits Recovery Console and restarts PC
expand extracts a file from a compressed (.cab) archive or a file with an underscore at the extension's end
(e.g., .DL_) from CD to hard disk
fixboot Write new partition boot sector onto specified partition, often used with fixmbr
fixmbr Repair master boot record of specified disk, often used with fixboot
format prepare a disk for use, with options for file system and quick format
help Shows commands you can use in Recovery Console
listsvc Show drivers and services available on PC
logon login to Windows system
map show drive mappings. If used before fixbot or fixmbr can confirm disk and drive letter are correct
mkdir create a directory. Also can use md instead of mkdir
more pages a text file to screen
net use connects network share to a drive letter
rename renames one file. Also can use ren instead of rename
rmdir deletes a directory. Also can use rd instead of rmdir
set shows, sets environment variables. Can be used to permit copying files to removable media,
wildcards, and other options for Recovery console if system security settings are adjusted
systemroot  Sets current directory to the systemroot directory of system you're logged on to
type sends a text file to screen

Use Help and the command-specific help (/?) to determine what options you can use in the Recovery Console, even if you’re familiar with how the command works from a command prompt. Commands in the Recovery Console often have different options and more limitations than the same commands used at a normal command prompt.
